Proud to have launched “Tele-Encounters: Beyond the Human” to an international audience as part of the IETM Multi-location Plenary Meeting on the 1st of October 2020! The event was organised by the IETM international network for contemporary performing arts and connected over 20 physical locations around the world. The project presentation was part of the online programme put together by Teatrul “George Ciprian” (IETM member). The order of presentations: Marina Hanganu (Teatrul “George Ciprian”), Welcome Constantin Vică (University of Bucharest), “Roboethics for Posthumans” Marina Hanganu (Teatrul “George Ciprian”), “Tele-Encounters: Beyond The Human” Radu Apostol & Mihaela Michailov (Replika Centre) Bianca Floarea (Creative Europe Desk Romania), “Creative Europe after 2020” Q&A panel
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