Download or read online our studies, brochures, theatre play, and project book. The materials will be uploaded as they become available during the project’s lifetime.

Beyond the Human: Theatre, Robots and Social Realities (Project Book)
Beyond the Human: Theatre, Robots and Social Realities contains the interdisciplinary studies conducted in the project on the themes of migration, human perception of social robots,

Tele-Encounters: Telepresence and Migration
Read the book we published in the first Tele-Encounters project, also co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.

Studies in Spanish
The studies conducted by UCAM Catholic University of Murcia can be read in Spanish by following the links below: Aspiraciones y expectativas: Un estudio de

Sociological Study in Romanian
This is the Romanian version of Mircea Kivu’s sociological study analysing the interviews with Romanian migrants and left-behind elderly parents. The study is also available

Results Brochure 2020-2023 (EN, RO, IT, ES)
Check out the brochure that summarises the main project activities and results. Available in four languages: English, Italian, Romanian and Spanish. English Romanian Italian Spanish

Imaginary Robots brochures
Read the brochures that contain the robot models devised by children and adults in Romania, Italy, and Spain (pdf files). The brochures are available in


2032 SMART-FAMILY (theatre play)
Read 2032 SMART-FAMILY, the theatre play written by Marina Hanganu and Bianca Trifan. The text was staged in a telematic format. You can also watch the